Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deployment News

How do you prepare yourself to say goodbye (or see you soon, as I'd like to think of it) to your best friend, roommate, daughter's father and husband with only about a month's notice?

As of now, I have no clue, but that's what I'll be doing in a few short weeks.  That paired with Kerriann's second birthday party this weekend, a trip to Chicago with my sister next weekend, and then moving our lives to Morgantown before Kevin takes off for his first deployment will be keeping me extremely busy.

I have so many photos and stories to share from our vacation in the Poconos with Kevin's family, and I'll share those (and party pics after this weekend) as soon as I can.

Just pray for our family as we spend these last few weeks together!  And apologies in advance if I'm hard to get ahold of until after he leaves.

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