Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It just wouldn't be a blog update without some facts about Kerriann. I'm not the only one who has been busy the past few months.

For lack of time, I'm going to keep it brief. What is Kerriann into these days? Besides cupcakes?

Princesses, princesses, and more princesses. Dressing up. Hosting tea parties. You know, the typical girly stuff? I know Kevin is so anxious to get home and attempt to reverse this and turn her into a full blown tom boy. I think he's better off waiting for our next child... we are in full blown party planning mode right now and will celebrate the big three with a princess themed party a month from tomorrow.

Can you believe that Kerriann will be three in a few weeks? Yesterday she started the transition to the older preschool class at her school. It's crazy to me that she will be in a classroom with kids close to four years old, but I know she is ready. She is wildly intelligent, which you can tell if you've spent more than 5 seconds with her.

Just last week Kerriann made the transition to a big girl bed, and she was just in time. Our new apartment is fully furnished and houses a queen bed in the guest room, so that has become her temporary "big girl princess bed." I hope it's not too hard on her transitioning into a twin once we move!

I'm sure there is so much more that I'm leaving out, but when you see her every day it's hard to think of what is new. Everyone at Kerriann's school loves her and I hear daily that she is the most well behaved child they have. I feel lucky that I have been blessed with such a beautiful and smart little girl and sometimes wonder how she turned out so perfect.

We are both looking forward to having Kevin home sometime in August so that our family can finally be complete again!

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

My poor, sad, neglected blog. It has been so long since I last posted on you. But I promise, I can explain. Since my last post in April, so much has changed in my life.

I walked at graduation in May.

I interned in the communications office for the City of Morgantown (where I took many photos around town!).

I started my own portrait photography business, Herlihy Photography.

We visited Grammy and Papa in New York.

We moved from our townhouse on Palisades Drive to a temporary apartment across town.

What else? I've been taking online courses full time to graduate in August. I've also been working 12 hours a week as a wedding maitre d' at Lakeview Golf Resort and Spa. I started shooting with another photographer and his studio doing wedding photography. It has been a great opportunity so far and I'm just getting started. I can't wait to dive further into it!

At the end of the day, I barely have time to take a breath, but this craziness has been just what I needed to survive the past year.

Even still, I can't tell you how excited I am to welcome Kevin home and {hopefully} slow down and really enjoy life for a change.

I'm also hoping that I'll have more time to blog. I've really missed writing and sharing photos of our family. I have been posting on the Herlihy Photography Blog but I try to keep it pretty professional over there. Either way, if you haven't checked it out yet, you should!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Senior Reflection

Today I attended my last two School of Journalism classes for my undergraduate degree. This evening is so bittersweet. On one hand, I’m just that much closer to being a college graduate. But on the other hand, I’m seriously depressed by the thought of being DONE.
I have had so many amazing experiences while completing my undergraduate degree. Interning at a full service public relations agency, helping with special events, and serving as a PR and Media Director for a real PR campaign.
These are just a few, as I’ve had more positive experiences than I have time to list. As I sit here trying to think of negative ones, I’m not able to come up with any. I have truly enjoyed my time at West Virginia University, and I owe most of that to the SOJ.
            I came to WVU as a Broadcast News and International Studies major hoping to one day work as a foreign correspondent for CNN. After two years I decided that wasn’t the path for me. I had no idea what I really wanted to do, but I knew I wanted some type of journalism degree. I love news style writing, but I couldn’t deny the fact that the newspaper track was going to be coming to an end in the near future. I decided to switch to Public Relations instead, and a new minor that was just taking off, Leadership Studies. I couldn’t have made a better decision with either.
            So many people are confused when I tell them I am a leadership studies minor. They think it is pointless or they don’t understand what I could possibly be learning. But I have learned so much since declaring the minor. How to speak in front of people, how to speak WITH people, how to lead, and most importantly, when to step down and be a follower. It has taught me so much about group work and I have already seen the theories that I have studied playing out in real life situations.  I would recommend this minor to any student, no matter what their major.
            Along with the skills, job opportunities, and networking that I have been exposed to as a result of the leadership studies program, I have made so many amazing friends, both classmates and professors.
            And speaking of professors, I’m not going to name names, because they know who they are, but I would not be the person I am today without their guidance and support. Over the past two semesters especially, I have gained so much confidence in my skill set, and myself as a person. And I cannot thank a few select professors enough for these gifts.
            Just this afternoon, a professor outside of the J-school asked me what I did, and after telling her I was a senior just weeks away from a degree in public relations, she asked me if I had a “back-up plan.” I was so shocked by this comment that I wasn’t sure how to respond at first. A back-up plan?
For the past two semesters I have spend most of my time surrounded by fellow journalists and soon to be journalists. I forget that many “outsiders” view our career path as risky and irresponsible. But I don’t care what these people say. I am on the path to doing something that I truly love, and I believe that being happy can trump what is sometimes seen as being successful. I hope that by doing what makes me happy, I will be helping others have a better life as well. So to the naysayers, say what you want. But I know that I, as long as my fellow classmates who will be graduating in 2012, have big dreams and all of the skills to make those dreams a reality. I can’t wait to see where we all are ten years from now. Who knows where that will be. All I know is that with the skills we have learned at the J-school, as well as the friendships and connections we have made, how could we NOT be successful?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gifts from Aunt Molly

On Friday the cutest gift ever arrived in the mail for Kerriann from Aunt Molly.

And as we were outside playing with sidwalk chalk Sunday morning I discovered these little guys popping up to say hello.

I promise you there will be a true photoshoot where I pull out my real camera for this outfit sometime in the near future :).

Mess Free Finger Paint

By Saturday evening I had started to develop severe cabin fever after being locked away in a dark room all week. I still wasn't feeling up to doing much, but Kerriann was starting to get antsy so I knew I had to do something.

We decided to take a little trip to Target for some new art supplies. Because when in doubt, go to Target and spend money, right? ;)

Crayloa has this great new finger paint that only shows up on "special" paper, which is perfect for moms like me who hate messes.

Kerriann still gets to feel like she's making a mess, while I have no disaster to clean up afterwards. So everyone wins!

It was great being able to kick back for a few minutes while she entertained herself with her new supplies! We will definitely be purchasing more of this stuff when we run out. Thanks to Kevin's friends who originally introduced us to this magical stuff as a gift for Kerriann's 2nd birthday.

Illness Strikes Again

Between going back to school and exposing myself to the germs of the entire WVU student body, and having Kerriann in preschool for the first time, I have had a rough winter as far as illnesses.

Last Tuesday I woke up feeling great and went for a run in the morning, my first day of the C25K program (which I'll explain more later). I made it through the afternoon with no headache which hadn't happened to me for a couple of weeks. I was feeling amazing and went right to sleep that night (also out of the norm for me lately), looking forward to another great day on Wednesday.

Unfortunately, God had other plans for me. I woke up at 5am feeling horribly nauseous and it only got worse. That night I was miserable with a fever of 103.

Today was day 6 and the first day that I've really felt good since. I was finally able to eat normally and begin to exercise again. I was lucky that the first night Christiane stayed with me to help get Kerriann fed and in bed, but after that I pretty much had to fend for myself. I didn't do much Wednesday-Saturday other than lay on the couch and try to do as much schoolwork as I could. I had to skip out on the 5K that I had signed up for which I was pretty bummed out about, too.

Get well soon flowers from Kevin. He's so thoughtful!
I am SO relieved to be feeling better this week. It is hard for me to sit on the couch, and it really got me down. Having Kevin gone is always hard, but my feelings are always amplified when I'm not feeling well. It's also hard to give Kerriann the attention she needs and deserves when I'm confined to the couch. Plus she woke up with a cold on Friday morning so she was extra needy. Luckily she never developed a fever, and now just has a slight runny nose and a lingering cough. I'm hoping by this weekend we'll both be 100% back to normal.

So now that we're past the illnesses, I'm hoping to have a productive week before spring break starts on Saturday! Who else is ready for a week off?!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

February in iPhone Photos

1. Kerriann with Daddy doll
2. Mommy and Kerriann
3. Before school
4. Snow!
5. Icing her first big boo boo after falling down the stairs
6. Snow boots + snow
7. Drawing ovals ("ogles")
8. Playing in the basement
9. Cheese!
10. We miss you Daddy!
11. Bath time
12. Valentine's Day Cookies
13. Bath time 2
14. Homemade granola
15. Mommy and Kerriann again
16. Ready to go!

Chalk Art

We have had an unusually warm winter this year. I have really missed the snow, but with the extreme warmth that we have experienced the past couple of weeks, it has been nice to get outside and breathe some fresh air.

On Wednesday after I picked Kerriann up from school it was still around 65 degrees and sunny so we got to play with sidewalk chalk for the first time since fall. She had so much fun running around the driveway and making art.

Though I can't deny that I'm looking forward to the 70 degree weather we have forecasted for next week, I wouldn't mind us having one huge snowstorm before spring begins!



The best part of the bedtime routine (according to Kerriann)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sherrie and John's New House

As many of our family members know, my Aunt Sherrie and Uncle John have been moving into their new house this past week. They lived in their former house forever (well, my entire lifetime) and we all have so many wonderful memories there.

We were all surprised initially to hear that they would be moving, but after seeing their new place, I agree with them that it was the best choice. Their new place is just as amazing if not more so, and I am already looking forward to all of the family gatherings we will be attending there in the future.

This morning Kerriann, Christiane and I made the trip to Buckhannon to see if we could help with the move, and to check out the new place. Kerriann amused herself by looking out the window and of course getting in everyone's way at the old house.

When there was nothing else we could do to help, we headed over to check out the new place.

I won't spoil the grand reveal of the house by showing the photos I took, but they have a huge and gorgeously landscaped yard, and an open floor plan with plenty of windows. This afternoon we all took advantage of the view and watched the snow fall as we ate cookout food (which was delicious, despite the weather).

It was so great to spend the afternoon with family, and to see the new house for the first time. We are really looking forward to making many more memories at your new place, John and Sherrie!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

January in iPhone Photos

1. Rainy drive to Poolesville
2. Kerriann on the move
3. Kerriann reading with Aunt Patty
4. Kerriann and Mommy
5. Being silly
6. All dressed up for pictures
7. Shopping at IKEA
8. D is for Diva
9. Pizza!

Valentine's Day 2012

Kerriann woke up on Valentine's Day to a pile of sweet gifts from a few special family members.

First she opened gifts from her grandparents. A Dora jewelry set from Grandma and a cute red dress from Grammy and Papa (which you'll see in pictures in the future!).

Next up was the package from Aunt Julie and family... markers and chocolate, two of her favorite items!

And finally... presents from mommy. A box of princess chocolates and a new pair of "sparkly shoes" since her black ones are getting tight. I knew we would need replacements before too long!

Kerriann and I both got cards in the mail from Kevin. It is always such a treat when we get mail from him and it made my day! He's also treating me to a day at the spa... if I can just find a few free hours to go. Even though he is so far away, he knew exactly how to spoil me this year. I was worried that Valentine's Day might be depressing for me, but the little things he did meant so much to me that I still had a great day. Hope everyone else's Valentine's Day was filled with just as much love as ours was!

On the Eve of Valentine's Day

The day before Valentine's Day I picked Kerriann up from school and took her to pick out Valentines to give out to her classmates for the first time. 

We went to Target (where I was extremely disappointed with the selection) and she picked out Disney princess cards. 

She was so excited to open the box and start addressing them when we got home. Her teachers sent home a list of names, so I wrote them out and then she signed her name in purple.

I put some Valentine's Day themed cookies in the oven to bake as we worked, just for good measure.

I had so much fun making cards with Kerriann for the first time. Next year I'm hoping to get more creative and help her do something homemade for her friends and teachers.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day (And KA's pro photos)

Happy Valentine's Day to all of our family and friends, near and far!

I have many pictures to share, but unfortunately I forgot my memory card in the computer lab on campus, oops! Luckily one of my friends had a night class and was able to grab it for me, but my Valentine's Day photos will have to wait.

For now, check out Kerriann's Valentine's Day Mini Shoot with Tyler Plank Photography by clicking HERE. This was our second session with Tyler and we love how our photos turned out. She is so great with toddlers and really captured Kerriann's personality.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pink Day

Today was a really great day, because not only did I see one of my best friends, but I got some really exciting news which I'll share soon.

My friend Molly made a last minute trip into town this weekend and we met up with her at the WVU gymnastics meet. We don't get to see her often because she lives in NYC, so we wanted to take advantage of being in the same city for the first time in ages! It just happened to be pink day at the meet (in support of breast cancer), which was perfect for Kerriann.

She was so excited to put on her pink "party dress" and then proceeded to pick out her "ballet shoes," a pink bow and some rhinestone bracelets to complete the outfit.

Apparently she was thrilled to get out of the house after being trapped there all day with me the day before, because she also got out her purse and a pair of sunglasses and started gathering items to take along.

I told her to slow down at that point, because we still had a few minutes before the meet started, so she spent a little time playing with "Mick" and Minnie in baby Jesus' manger.

The following photos are stolen from Molly's Facebook page... hope you don't mind! ;)

We had a great time catching up with "Aunt Molly!" 

Kerriann loved watching the gymnasts perform and dancing along with the music. She was so worn out that she actually napped when we got home (allowing me to write a paper due tomorrow, yay!). 

It was so great catching up with Molly, and hopefully we will see her again soon!